
I found out today that if you are LGBT at my work, you get paid days off during June so that you can go to pride parades and shit.

Wow, and they're all so oppressed by... a tiny minority who aren't allowed to so much as throw a roman on 99% the Internet.

So.. be gay every June. Call it Junesexual and dare them to say anything.

next time theres a religious day, take it off and say you want compensation.
lgbt is their religion, after all and they cant discriminate against you.
@koropokkur @beardalaxy "Why yes, boss, I am Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox and I need all those days off."
@beardalaxy balls not touching, no homo. Free paid days off when?

So just take days off in june!

What, are they gonna make you prove you're a faggot to hr?

@lord_nougat everyone will give me shit if I do and there's one gay guy and the last thing I want him thinking is that I'm gay lol

@beardalaxy come to think of it, this also gives me a reason to never partake in any sodomy. maybe I should actually start identifying as a gay muslim in professional spaces
@beardalaxy they should have just let everybody off instead of creating envy and friction in the office like retards, that being said I'm double gay and demand double time

@perplestuff like 99% of this stuff is designed to cause envy and friction anyway

@beardalaxy yeah and normies start blaming the lgbt for being over privileged because the elite uses us like a show pony so chuds forget about them, it's tiresome.

@perplestuff i could type up a bajillion paragraphs about it but i'll just say that i wish more lgbt people would actually point out the bullshit and reject it instead of happily going along with it. if i were gay i would be so fucking mad at how politicized it is, i'd just want to be treated like a normal person meanwhile here's all these people, maybe even just posers, that claim to be "on my side" doing horrible or just flat out annoying shit that does way more damage.

i'm starting to kind of get that feeling with all the vitiligo shit, as someone with vitiligo. no get your fucking social politic brownie points out of my disorder please, fuck off. i don't need visibility i want to be left alone.

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