@lizzie the idrlabs test actually says im 100% lena juicer.
which is bullshit because unlike lena i actually care about basic hygiene and compound my hormones responsibly.

@lucy @lizzie that one is on github but yeah it's insulting lol

@mia @lizzie @lucy see, there are two genders:

* hormones are allowed after 10 years waiting list and 3 years real life experience in public crossdressing
* pyrogens are a spook

everything else is a mental illness
@mold @lizzie @mia > pyrogens are a spook
have you actually talked to lena her nonsense goes so much further lmao
@lucy @lizzie @mia no, I only read an online guide by her and already got psychic damage :overwhelmed:

@mold @lucy @lizzie it gets worse when you discover her cult-like following

@arcana @lizzie @lucy @mold yes. people claim to have found entire hairs in the vials she sold to them, and given her ramblings i believe them

@arcana @lizzie @lucy @mold calling it “bathtub estrogen” isn’t too far from the truth in her case

@mia @lizzie @lucy @mold Tbf that's probably how most meds are made in the post Soviet Union
@lucy @lizzie @mia @mold Has it always been this way or is this a recent thing?
@arcana @lizzie @mia @mold it used to be worse actually in the beginning she wasn't using an autoclave at all
@lucy @lizzie @mia @mold TIL those things exist. I just used to sterilize things by holding it in blue fire.
@lucy @lizzie @mia @mold No? This is how I was taught, you hold the vial with tongs over a blue flame which can be produced by burning various gasses
@arcana @lizzie @mia @mold who the HELL taught you that's how injectible solutions are made safe to inject??
@lucy @lizzie @mia @mold Well... I just thought this was how purifying things worked? With fire and water? One or the other and sometimes both?

I didn't realize it didn't work for everything.

@arcana @lucy @lizzie @mold we’re doing pharmaceuticals here, not 16th century alchemy

@mia @lizzie @arcana @mold i think arcana is joking but whatever im going to sleep i need to wake up in 6 hours.. nini :sleep2:
@lucy @lizzie @mia @mold I'm not joking... I genuinely didn't know. Why do you think I seriously asked you about purifying the water I'm looking to gather? This is what I know.
@arcana @lizzie @mia @mold sterilization is different depending on what you sterilize, and for what purpose. obviously something safe to drink isn't necessarily safe to inject etc.
@arcana @lizzie @mia @mold step one: figure out what *could* contamine your substance
step two: figure out how the contamination present differently to your substance
step three: for testing, figure out how to prove the presence or absence of contaminations. for purifying, figure out what makes all possible contaminations go away that doesn't alter your substance or introduces new contaminations in the process.

that's literally the first lesson of chemistry actually
@lucy @lizzie @mia @mold I see. The main thing I remember from chemistry class was stumping all of the teachers with my enquiry on the nature of fire. I said that it was not a solid, a liquid, or a gas. So what was it? They had no answer.

I know that sounds like a shitpost, but it's genuinely not, my main memory of Chemistry. I did get a C however, but my teachers were unable to help me with my questions.

@lucy @eemmaa @lizzie @arcana @mold not really. and the visible part depends on what’s combusting. some fuel-air mixtures for example burn with an invisible flame and very little radiant heat, so you’ll only notice the fire when you’re already standing in it (which some fuel enigineers had to find out the hard way)

@mia @lizzie @arcana @mold @eemmaa okay there's weird flames true. ig in that sense, a flame isn't a thing because that's like asking "is lightning a gas?" or "is a rainbow a gas?".
is the heat radiance related to the ionisation like does more plasma result in less heat radiation or wdym?
@lucy @lizzie @eemmaa @mia @mold That's a good question actually. Is lightning plasma? What is a rainbow?
@arcana @lizzie @mia @lucy @mold is ectoplasm plasma, is cum ectoplasm? if you light ectoplasm on fire will it make plasma? how many rainbows does it take to get to a pot of gold? is the moon made of cheese? is it rock cheese? can rcoks become cheese? can cheese becom rocks? how many moons did the cow jump over?
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