looks like my food stamps are gonna end because i make more money now

more money than i actually earn, looking at it...

@ninja8tyu that's why i can't get on disability and the cutoff is ridiculously low it's like $900 a month. that was a living wage maybe like 15 years ago but now you have to be like fucking crippled and living with your parents to get that and have it make any amount of sense.

@beardalaxy it's a bit higher for me it seems, but for some reason i'm somehow making $4k a month now

the math ain't mathing out, because even working 40 hours in a 17/hr, i only reach slightly above $2k

i'm guessing income is getting added to a job i quit

i might still qualify for benefits, but personally i'm just more annoyed that they think i'm making $4k a month somehow working fast food and retail
@ninja8tyu @beardalaxy literally food stamps/ssi/ssdi only work if you're also unemployed and also on section 8/housing benefits of some sort and with cost of living increases it's rigged even more, and then you have to live as frugal as possible.
@Pawlicker @beardalaxy i'm pretty frugal when it comes to food to begin with

i don't blow it all on junk food and stuff, but i do spend around $100-200/mo to get food in my belly

food stamps, as little as they are, are enough to sustain me
@Pawlicker @beardalaxy speaking about food, since i work retail now, seeing people come up to the counter with bundles of junk food...

i know it's tasty, but... the price racks up to near hundreds...

if this is how people older than me usually eat, and the fact i've seen a lot of kids and grown adults with down syndrome... i'd presume at least one reason this country's going down is the shit diet people set themselves on

i feel like people spend more money on cheap junk items than i do on more expensive and filling quality ones, and if junk food is an excuse to spend less money, they have successfully wasted more money than healthier options and at the cost of their own health

@ninja8tyu @Pawlicker i hate seeing people buy a bunch of junk food and then use their foodstamps for it. like okay i can understand a treat every now and then but when it takes up THE WHOLE BELT i get a little triggered

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