Trannies are NEVER EVER beating the filthy predator accusations
@pepsi_man Cracking eggs = basically conditioning someone (usually minors) who is sexually confused into being trans
@pepsi_man The symbolism is that the sexually confused individuals are "eggs" that trannies are obligated to "take care of" until they "hatch"

@Moto_Chagatai @pepsi_man there is (or was?) a subreddit dedicated to teachers "cracking eggs" of their students
It's incredibly fucked up
Even in the phrase, they're cracking eggs. They're not letting them hatch. If they hatched, they would be normal and not all fucked up.

@beardalaxy @Moto_Chagatai @pepsi_man
Trannies are mentally incapable of thinking about anything other than their faggot hyperfixation. Their relationships with others can only operate in accordance with this, meaning they have to either cut off or convert everyone in their lives, so they only associate with other trannies, or otherwise plastic people who submit themselves to troon ritual humiliation. The tranny is essentially a drug addict seeking the "high" of satisfying their fetish, and once they no longer get it from their own troonery, they need to spread it to others to keep getting the "high" of validation.
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