I'm gonna eat as many goddamn beans as I can fit into my stomach and then sit on the couch, clutching my stomach and crying, while the beans expand.
@jae Well, it was just regular pork and beans. I threw some jalapenos in because I had some.
@jae The pork was a nominal thing; I had a bone-in pork roast and there's always a lot of meat that is inconvenient to get off the bone. But you can just dump the entire bone into a pot of beans it will fall off.
@p okay so your made pork and beans. if this was from a can, i'd have a lot more questions and concerns.
@jae I don't usually eat things from cans.

> I don't usually eat things from cans.

then my concerns melt away, like pork from a bone. back to stasis.
@jae I mean, all bets are off during road trip: I ate a lot of gas station shit at 3 a.m. But otherwise, like, I feel better if I eat normal food instead of things from a freezer or a can.
@p @jae I bring food. Like I can map out the Whole Foods locations on a map but its not always available so its critical to have supplies on hand.
@ins0mniak @jae I like to be in the place where I am, eat whatever they have there.
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