Adolf Hitler's Strongest Aryan Soldier

@sendpaws @get @Lyx apparently it's kind of a taboo thing to like rock/metal as a black person? i've heard that sentiment a lot.

@beardalaxy @get @Lyx among the younger ones yeah but there's more black people then you think in rock bands
It's just like women in rock bands you don't notice because the lead singers are the same

@sendpaws @get @Lyx i know there are plenty, but they seem to get a lot of shit still. even bands like living colour.

@beardalaxy @sendpaws @Lyx sevendust is the only black musician that has made good music

@Forestofenchantment @get @Lyx @sendpaws i fuckin love tasin abasi (animals as leaders) and howard jones (killswitch engage)

@Forestofenchantment @get @Lyx @sendpaws they're both metal bands. animals as leaders i usually describe as "music for musicians" because it's extremely technical and might not be great for like, an average listener. killswitch engage is a classic, they've got AMAZING stuff.

animals as leaders - cafo:

killswitch engage - my curse (gh3 version with less screaming):

@beardalaxy @Forestofenchantment @get @sendpaws disgusting get these african peasants off my tl before they steal my rims and shoot me
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