@coded_artist To be fair, reflections in a cell shaded environment with flat/simple coloring and lighting is trivial compared to trying to do the same thing with Hi-poly models with fine color gradients and complex 3d shadows.

Edit : The one on the right also probably is using the Deus Ex trick using a second scene/model behind the "mirror", and is thusly not a "real" reflection.

@brokenshakles It would take so very little to add a reflection probe to the mirror prefab to make the mirror reflect the room, at the very least.

Then for the player:
Add a stencil shader to that, to show a mesh only when viewed through the mirror surface.

Finally, a trigger collider checks the players approach, and creates a static mesh instance from the player's skinned mesh (this is built-in to most engines, such as Unity and Unreal, and is used to create trails, pic attached).

I'm not saying it's trivial, by any means.
But when the game costs upwards of $200M, it needs to look a bit better than that.

@coded_artist Ok, so we want an extra player model, an additional collision box (this one is trivial if we limit it to a simple collider) and at least 2 extra shaders on top, in a game that's probably already maxxed out it's tris/texture budget. It may have been included in the beta, but removed during optimization.

@brokenshakles The shader isn't showing when the player isn't in the collider.
The collider itself isn't present when the mirror isn't close enough to display LOD 0.

No AAA company does optimizations during development these days, it's always post-release, since they use their player base as QA.

@coded_artist Another indicator of shit developers: characters running against a wall continue to run, rather than stop, or better still, push against the wall.
More "developers gave a fuck" items:
Firearms, their operation, and reloading sequences are works of art and realistic, even in future fantasy.
There are more than three footstep sounds for every surface.
There is something nice hidden behind a waterfall.
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