@freemo Gays that fuck kids ruined Holywood.
All filthy communists, since the 50's.
Caller was right.


> Gays that fuck kids ruined Holywood.

What about the hetrosexuals who fucked kids? What do gays have to do with it, why is that anymore relevant than any other random attribute in your statement?

People that fuck kids ruined Hollywood.

There I fixed it for you.

@freemo@qoto.org @coded_artist@gameliberty.club I haven't looked at gays, but transgenders make up ~58% of sex offenders in the UK. I'll be a transphobe if it means my kids don't get diddled.



@nihilvt @freemo If memory serves, about half of pedos in American prisons are gay or bisexual (based on the gender of the victim).
2% of the population, 50% of child rape.

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