Thought exercise:

Let's pretend someone murders Fauci now that he lost his security detail. Would you be comfortable with the killer getting off due to jury nullification if Luigi also got off from jury nullification?

@RedTechEngineer @feld No, in real life.
Fauci deserves to be beaten to a bleeding pulp with a rusty shit-stained sewer pipe, and then tossed feet first into a slow stump grinder filled with salt.

@coded_artist @RedTechEngineer You should be aware that China's / Wuhan's BSL-4 facility (biohazard safety level 4 -- the most dangerous) was built without China having any expertise in the technology, construction, and maintenance of such a facility. It was done under the pressure of their State. And we were doing our best to train them on not killing us all by flying their scientists and engineers to our facilities in the USA.

China had documented lab leaks before this. SARS in 2004, for one.

If America wasn't cooperating by trying to help them do GoF research safely, then what? They weren't gonna stop just because we asked them nicely.
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