@ChristiJunior "ust a trans girl who loves to make shota/loli-themed and trans supremacy porn captions"

The absolute fuck??
@ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl That shit infects every thing.

Like anime used to be about "damn this shit is cool, what talent it must require so lets appreciate it"

Now it's all this "well as an autistic demi-trans I feel welcome in the community...."

curb stomp
@ins0mniak @Typicalgamergirl Kindness to trannies is Cruelty towards everything good and decent. Trannies are demons, anything you do to make them suffer is a good deed.
@ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl Thing is, no one would give two shits if they weren't constantly inserting themselves into fucking everything. Like they can't go into a Burger King with out screeching about pro-nouns and trying to get some minimum wage kid fired.

The only options are try to ignore them or laugh when they flip out as they inevitably do.

Anything else and guys like us end up on the news.
@ins0mniak @Typicalgamergirl I dunno, trannies are so vile and despised that I don't really think GloboHomo can successfully Cancel you for being trannyphobic - there's a reason why so many Republicans have pushed anti-Grooming policies these last few years.
@ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl Oh I agree but it doesn't stop shit outlets like say your local news or something that wants to start fucking you up.

Like look at this shit. Fucker is built like a linebacker.
@helldiverliberator @Typicalgamergirl @ChristiJunior Lol.

Even just ten years ago it was a perfectly acceptable thing to laugh at and rightfully so.
@ins0mniak @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator
It took less than a decade after legalizing gay marriage for the fags to ruin the country beyond recognition. They're a societal poison that needs to be firmly sealed away.

@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @ins0mniak

You can blame Tumblr and the Libtards for that, especially when they create the whole stupid pronouns and gender is a construct fad.

@helldiverliberator @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl I think a lot it comes from universities.

Shitty boomers getting validations from kids, doing their failed revolution 68' bullshit.

@ins0mniak @Typicalgamergirl @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior

Yeah exactly, it’s no wonder why most of the millennials and Gen Z became unhinged retards!

@helldiverliberator @Typicalgamergirl @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior Older Millennials ain't. Tho we have more in common with Gen X. Our thing is "leave us the fuck alone"
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