
>Artist friends talking about dropping out of art because of AI bros.

You have to realize that AI bros seethe uncontrolably when they see real art made by people, because they are so salty that their nature is not on creating anything, but on begging, and they are relegated to just choosing the best thing the computer managed to spew on them.

It's the illusion of free will.

Even if your drawings are shit, they were created with concious creative intent and are far more valuable that anything what an AI bro can present to you. So please keep going and take this influx of shit as an opportunity to improve on your craft.

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@sarvo all i want is for my art friends to come out stronger out of this, it's a test of passion on art and i want them to succeed.

@hideki I love AI art but it can't replace the happiness I feel when I see someone display something they worked ages on
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