
Preliminary version of my scene. If i add something to it i will post the final version on my Pixelfed account.

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@hideki @hideki Was this inspired by Death Stranding? The dreary weather almost seems like it.

@berkberkman yes, in fact i was going for an atmospheric oppresive ambience, and on a feedback preview someone told me that it reminded it of death stranding, so i used those ideas to refine the atmosphere.

@xue if i stop posting, is because Kojima sent people to stab me.

@hideki uhh nice, it kinda has a death stranding like touch :blobcataww:

@rick thanks! i actually though on some things that can improve the mood for the final version somewhere this month.

@hideki @takenori huh, weird, i tried to follow a while ago, but my request is still pending :ARUSeriously: maybe pixelfed doesn't interact with pleroma that well or idk

boost on your main when you're finished :ARUUwu:

@pipivovott @takenori

i will

Yep i have to say that pixelfed federation is wonky sometimes... i don't know exactly why it is but it hasn't been fixed for a long time now.

@hideki you're very welcome 😃 Time allowing it, I want to study your guidelines! Thank you for collecting and organizing those resources 🙇!

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