
Looks like Discord might start enforcing their rules.

@matrix >This also extends to anthropomorphized minors.

Now that's a new one.

@matrix Look like their trying to cover their asses by running the gamut. I really hope they don't put a stop to NSFW completely. I use my Discord for announcing site updates and posting free vintage nudes. 😱

I don't think they will, but they might start overpolicing hentai, since the age can sometimes be a little ambiguous.

@matrix I'm not really into into hentai personally, but I still think its censorship is an issue. It's a slippery slope. I've only seen two anime classified as hentai, Mezzo Forte and Kite. I don't think anyone in academia or gov't has actually sat down to talk about hentai for real. The more funding they raise, the more advertiser friendly they will have to become.

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