"everything has to be about cis men's erections"

Say the feminists obsessed with their own periods

@DetectiveHyde @matrix Gamergate will be the cited cause of the next civil war in 20 years time.
@DetectiveHyde @matrix it's not exactly that they are pissed, gamergate is just a convenient scapegoat/strawman for use in ideological spats

also Usher is still a fag after his handling of hope drama
@matrix @DetectiveHyde These same femicunts celebrating female characters being covered up were drooling over shirtless Ryu just a few years ago.

Anyway, it's safe to assume that Western games will just become more and more cucked. Japan (and maybe Poland) is our only hope, and we know that SJW-hijacked Sony is doing what they can to kill off fanservice in Japanese games too.
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