@matrix Unused reserve headline: "The Callous Misogyny behind Chris Evans' refusal to help up Regina King has its roots in White Supremacy: Here's why"

@matrix Alternate alternate headline: "An Alt-Right Troll Campaign to encourage White Indifference to Women of Color with Mobility Issues has a new member: Chris Evans"

@matrix It's Cluster B, the cultural/political movement!

>Cluster B personality disorders are a categorization of personality disorders as defined in the DSM-IV and DSM-5.

>There are four recognized Cluster B personality disorders:[2]

>Antisocial personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.7): a pervasive disregard for the law and the rights of others.
>Borderline personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.83): extreme "black and white" thinking, chronic feelings of emptiness, instability in relationships, self-image, identity and behavior disturbances often leading to self-harm and impulsivity.
>Histrionic personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.50): pervasive attention-seeking behavior including inappropriately seductive behavior and shallow or exaggerated emotions.
>Narcissistic personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.81): a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
@matrix (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_B_personality_disorders)
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