@matrix SJW has become so diluted i wouldn't use that term, personally but accurate generally speaking

@animeirl @matrix It kinda has, but in general, the SJW stereotype feels like it represents left-extremism or LGBTQ-extremism generally.

What do you mean by 'tokenism' ? ... like having a person in said group (employment, electorate, etc.) to be a token representation regardless of if they're qualified or a fit?

@frank87 @animeirl @matrix Oppression Olympics. You're not a warrior unless you can get people banned.

@djsumdog @matrix i see tokenism more often in center-left liberal groups (HRC, hollywood both come to mind) than "extremist" groups, whatever that means.

@animeirl @matrix I think this is what's left of the term. The term is diluted because of all the people that misused it to get priority from their tokens.

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