
To all the "freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences" crowd:
So, the civil rights activists who were getting fire-hosed were just experiencing the consequence of exercising their free speech?

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@matrix this is a good point. Freedom from consequences is an essential element of freedom of speech; its not a freedom if youâre going to jailed, outcast, abused or otherwise harmed for exercising it.

& John Stuart Millâs marketplace of ideas is explicitly referring to the kind of situation lefties find themselves in: uncomfortable encounters with unorthodoxy. They are making an explicit effort to reject the foundational liberal principle, and the only ground they have to stand on is exploiting a loophole in the harm principle: the vagueness of defining harm, which can be sophistically extended to anything, as theyâve demonstrated. The ramifications extend to the erosion of every justified freedom under American liberalism as theyâre all drawn from Stuart Millâs argument. If you remove freedom of speech on the basis of a loosened hame principle, you remove all freedoms. Theyâre digging their own graves.
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