
They're not free countries. We are already living in a dystopian nightmare.

@matrix And look at the fucking MSM salivating at the prospect of jailing people they disagree with for wrongthink.

@matrix Which is why Brits and Canadians are worthless cattle as opposed to free men.
@matrix Well, good thing he wasn't born in either Asian country.

@matrix There's a comedian who's faced a 10 year battle with the human rights commission in Canada. There was some kid who was terminal and doing all this PR stuff on TV. He did a joke about how the kid's been dying for two years. The bit is in French, but he explains the gist in English in this interview:

The fine was $80k CAD and he's spent over $100k CAD to fight it.

@matrix I realy wanna renonce my citizenship when I move abroad now
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