>core principles of liberalism
>free healthcare


@IsaacWestcott If anything was a mistake, it was universal suffrage. Anything given has no value.

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Universal Suffrage stems from the ideals of Liberalism: equality and universalism.

Such ideas would find no refuge in any non democratic system.

Universal Suffrage is a Pandora Box; once opened there's no closing it via democratic channels.
@IsaacWestcott @matrix men cucked themselves ever allowing women to vote. It isn't anyone else's fault bar men.
There's no getting out of it either.
Men cucked themselves.

@SatisfactionGuaranteed @IsaacWestcott I've seen some graph on how women getting the right to vote is correlated to increased social programs, taxes and government spending, but I haven't looked at it if it's true.
It's true that self-reliance is a trait more commonly found in men.

@matrix @IsaacWestcott @SatisfactionGuaranteed Women are too empathetic there is no question. Same as men raised by a single mother.
@Rude @IsaacWestcott @matrix single men raised by single mothers who then turn into evangelists are the worst example of the Patriarchy having died. Men absolutely fucked themselves ever allowing women the right to vote. Men have only themselves to blame for societial fuck ups continuing in 2019, not feminists.

They'd never have been feminists had men never allowed women the right to vote

It's all their fault.
Cucked cunts.

@IsaacWestcott Universal Suffrage is a solution to the problem of "Who decides who gets to vote?".
Not a great one, but I can't think of a better one.
You can't get rid of it through democratic means. It's the same with immigrants voting for more government benefits and open borders. (not all immigrants, mainly those unwilling to integrate)


No need to #NAXALT me, the mean speaks for itself.

I don't think we can hope for a fully democratic solution, but we'll see what happens. Things can't keep going as they are, something is going to give.
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