@matrix I've actually seen Americans non-ironically argue that their retarded imperial system of measurement is better than the metric system..
@ChristiJunior @matrix It's not, but at least it wasn't invented by French homos. Yay xenophobia!
@matrix Oh, and putting the month before the day, followed by the year, is also pantsu on head retarded.
@matrix Fahrenheit isn't based on the phase changes of fresh water at all, which makes sense considering that the freezing and boiling points of fresh water have no impact on anyone's everyday life.

Fahrenheit sets 100F as the temperature of a normal, healthy human body (It was later changed to 98.6 as thermometers became more precise), and 0F is the freezing point of brine, AKA salt water, which is what composes 70% of our body.

Fahrenheit is the far more logical scale. At 0 your body will freeze. At 100 your body will overheat. Basing the scale on something as arbitrary as when fresh water freezes or boils is asanine. Nobody gives a shit about that. You leave water in the freezer until it's frozen, or you heat it until it boils. Nobody is sticking a thermometer in their pot.

I mean really, how retarded do you have to be to create a scale where an outdoor temperature of 40 is potentially-life-threateningly hot? 40 is a number that says "It's chilly, but it won't kill me."
@matrix "But muh scientific measurements!"

Yeah, fuck you. Anyone doing serious scientific measurements is using Kelvin anyway so Celsius can suck a dick.
@matrix >rest of the world cant even remember 4 ratios, 2 numbers, and an order
retards lol
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