@matrix Been like that for some time because France has a long standing sandnog isse.

Imagine being such a fag that you just kill yourself rather than admit you have been on the wrong side and quit your damn job.

You don't even have to put on a yellow vest, just quit the damn job. They're not even conscripted.

This is why I have NO confidence in these people saying the soldiers and ZOG cops are *secretly* on /our side/. It's fucking delusional. They would rather die that quit and admit they were in the wrong. Thank you for reading my blog post.
@jack @matrix

Yeah WTF! At the minimum just quit, like WTF.

I mean if you're thinking of offing yourself why not see if fellow officers feel the same and go on strike or join the yellow vests? This is maximum cuckery!
The conspiratorial me thinks these aren't suicides.
25 is a ridiculous qmount. In-house cleaning of dissenters mayhaps ( 0_o)
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