>He has been banned from Twitter for his views

He was banned for disagreeing with the alt-right.
This sentence completely changes meaning when you introduce the truth. In that case it would mean that Twitter supports the alt-right.

@matrix twitter needs the alt right to exist to justify banning people they don't like

The left needs the alt-right to exist to justify their totalitarian ideas.
The both extremes live in symbiosis.

@matrix @jeff That must be why Left spent several months deplatforming The Daily Stormer, or why Twitter banned tons of alt-right people (just go to Gab, you'll find many of them there).

What you're saying is just a dumb, factually challenged talking point pushed by Sargon.

They need the boogie man to hide their suppression of the more sensible opposition. They don't need the actual alt-right.
A ton of the people banned from Twitter had nothing to do with the alt-right.

@matrix @ChristiJunior @jeff

Antifa had to turn Spencer into Second Hitler Imminent to justify their reaction, but itâs not symbiotic. The alt-right uses a different subversive bogeyman.
@jeff @daughter @matrix Expect one faction completely controls academia, the media, pop culture and much of the deep state, while the other posts memes.

False Equivalence is retarded.

I'm taking about the ideological side. Not power. Both the alt-right and alt-left behave exactly the same way in a position of power.
I'm fully aware of the power the left has. It's the reasons why I mostly talk about the left. The fart huffing :bigbrain: individuals that say a comment with two likes is the same as journalist lying piss me off too.
@daughter @jeff

@matrix @daughter @jeff My impression is that plenty in the wider "alt-right" actually support free speech, despite personally being racist and sexist (aka, having normal pre-1960s values).

The unironic Nazis certainly oppose free speech, you're right about that, but many others in our crowd are basically free speech hardliners.
@ChristiJunior @matrix @daughter @jeff Watch out for the Jesus freaks. I just read a ridiculous anti-speech argument supporting the death penalty for heresy because heresy violates God's rights under libel law.

Pretty harsh penalty for libel...
@ChristiJunior @jeff @matrix

Iâm rather honest about ADL/AIPAC and Jewish influence in America but the levels of control that the alt-right ascribe to them is exaggerated to hilarious levels.

When I look at leftist Israeli rags I see the same progressive machinations at work within Israel, if it were some parasitic quality of the people in and of themselves it should not be self-inflicting â that suggest that progressivism is distinct from any Jewish essence.
@ChristiJunior @matrix @jeff The left does to some extent need the most batshit insane alt-right people to tar as many of their opponents as possible with that brush. They jumped on the Charlottesville spergery as an excuse to justify shutting as many people down as possible. Of course they'd censor regardless, but they'll do whatever they can to try to maintain an air of legitimacy while doing so.
@ArdanianRight @jeff @matrix Countries without a meaningful far right just shift even further Left even faster, because the center itself is sliding far to the Left. The fact that they now actually have to spend time and energy attacking and censoring alternate ideas is at least a sign that they're encountering significant pushback.

I've yet to see "centrists" actually inflict a significant ideological defeat on the SJW left.
@ChristiJunior @jeff @matrix Of course centrists are useless as far as mass political movements go. There are a few people who lean more centrist and are pretty empirical in general, and I respect them for that, but they're not going to be leading any popular pushback. There's just not enough of them.
@ArdanianRight @ChristiJunior @jeff @matrix Charlottesville was a pretext. It could have been anything. Antifa were going to get someone killed with their psychotic, lawless behavior. It just happened there first.

When it happened all the censorship that resulted was ready to roll. Big social and the corporate matrix were just waiting for an excuse.

Same as the confederate flag purge after the church shooting. If it hadn't been that it would have been the next thing.
@matrix @jeff

I wouldn't call it symbiotic. One side has power, the other doesn't.
In a sane world where radical leftism did not gain a footing and open the floodgates to literally any outsider, among other things, neither would be in tbe limelight.
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