>He has been banned from Twitter for his views

He was banned for disagreeing with the alt-right.
This sentence completely changes meaning when you introduce the truth. In that case it would mean that Twitter supports the alt-right.

@matrix Spamming gay interracial porn at specific users goes well beyond "disagreeing with".

Twitter is a pro-Censorship shithole, but Sargon gave them every excuse in the world to Ban him.

He got suspended for spaming interracial gay porn, but he got banned when he was arguing with the alt-right about the holocaust.

@matrix @ChristiJunior you can't question the neo nazis that's literally racist af tbh fam smh
@matrix How would he even know this? Doesn't Twitter usually refuse to justify their ban beyond Hawassment/Hate or identify the precise post that resulted in the ban? I certainly didn't get any proper explanation when I got Banned.

Even if he was wasting times attacking the alt-right when he got banned, that doesn't mean those posts were the reason behind it - he had plenty of posts out there that people had been reporting.

Twitter usually doesn't give reasons. It's possible that some spergs went through his profile and mass reported posts.
Twitter is usually fairly quick at responding to reports.

@matrix Yes, that's what I thought as well.

Which means that when Sargon or his supporters are claiming that he got banned for arguing with the alt-right, they have no way of knowing that for sure. You're claiming something for certain that you have no way of knowing.

The facts are that a far larger share of the "alt-right" is getting Censored than the "centrists".
@ChristiJunior @matrix

Carl Benjamin - he's in the open now - gets a bad rap.

I don't fully support the man, but he is focusing on stopping mass immigration and Brexit. These are good things to accomplish.
@IsaacWestcott @matrix I mean, as long as he's pink pilling Normies and representing a decent enough political party (Current UKIP is apparently too "Islamophobic for Farage, lol), he fine in my book.

But to the extent that he's trying to do what Jordan Peterson brags about doing, namely turning "angry White men" away from the "far right", he's part of the problem.
@ChristiJunior @matrix

If people like him solve the main issues - demographic change, campaign finance, censorship - without having to resort to far-right means good.
I mean the guy has at multiple points in time supported the deportation of all Muslims from the UK. That's nothing to scoff at.
@ChristiJunior @matrix He was banned for being a prominent figure in Gamergate. The gay porn spam was just the excuse they were looking for. GG shook extremely-online leftists, like those that work at Twitter, to the core.

Oh, and radcens/liberalists/horseshoe theorists need both liberals and the alt-right to justify their arrogant preening and fart-sniffing about how superior they are to people that have ideals they choose to fight for.
@mrsaturday @matrix Horseshoe Theory Centrists remind of the dwarfs in Narnia: The Last Battle.

In effect, they help the Left far more than the Right, because they spend an inordinate amount of time attacking a politically powerless, extremely supressed political ideology to virtue signal how they're still good liberals despite not liking SJWs.
@matrix @ChristiJunior Sargon got banned when he was losing an argument with the alt-right about the holocaust, a religious apocrypha of the prevailing power that falls apart when you pull out a calculator and do a 7th grade algebra problem solving for how many crematorium ovens with the constants of 5 years, 2.5 hours per cadaver, and 6 million cadavers. If it were 32 AD, he would've been banned for arguing in favor of how 5,000 people ate 5 loaves and 2 fish. If it were 1440 BC, he would've been banned for trying to explain how the Red Sea parted for the Exodus. These are religious myths which it is heretical to discuss in any way (because they're not true). Sargon did not supplicate himself to the meta-religion of the powers-that-be and so he is a heretic. There are a lot of people wandering around in confusion not understanding how things are playing out. I would just say to those people that if you don't understand the plays that are being made there's something about your own understanding of the situation that's missing. That's not to say that the "alt-right" is not a problem. It has become a serious problem. Agent provocateurs have successfully got a lot of idiots arguing in favor of "White" Anglo supremacy as a "serious answer" to the current state of Talmudic Anglo supremacy. The original alt-right point of "I don't want to be in charge of you, I want you to be in charge of yourselves" has been completely lost and that's not by accident. Carl Benjamin is one of these people who has no idea what's going on. He's just some dumbass podcaster that wandered into the biggest conflict in the known history of the world and started making snide comments. If he were any use, he'd level up as he was exposed to more arguments and points of view that he has the great fortune at this time to discuss firsthand with the people doing the research. Instead he's just a snake oil salesman repeating his drivel.
@jack @matrix @ChristiJunior

Could you explain what "Talmudic Anglo Supremacy" is and how it differs from "White Anglo Supremacy"?
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