"Damn those plebs for failing to recognize my literary aspirations!"

@matrix Butthurt faggot isn't as smart as he thinks he is and it's everyone else's fault: film at 11
@matrix idk this is what i've been saying forever. games are for children. literally anything else is a more productive use of time
>thinks games aren't art
>thinks *his* game *is* art
>puts the word 'postmodern' in the name
@matrix did that dude only play two modern call of duty games before coming up with that conclusion lol
@matrix Maybe he's just shallow and thinks he's way deeper and more thoughtful than he actually is?

@ArdanianRight @matrix Yes. Also “main character is unlikable at the start, struggles and becomes a better person in the end” ain’t deep; it’s arguably a standard plot for ages. Even the most brain-dead hack in Hollywood can make a plot like that.

@gladicouldnthelp @matrix Exactly. That's a very standard character arc. It can be compelling when done well, but doing it at all isn't remotely special.
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