@matrix What's the deal with idubbz? I've been out of the loop for a while. Why is everyone clowning on him lately?

@mannycalavera His girlfriend is a bit of a bitch, he paid for her tits, now she got an OnlyFans accounts, people are making fun of him being a weak man and he made a big mistake of reacting to this drama.

@matrix Damn, that's unfortunate. I love his work on Content Cop. He's obviously hen-pecked and the idea of being with someone who's a sex worker is a tricky subject. However, you're right, he should just kept that shit to himself and let everyone take it as they will.

Speaking of idubbz, did you notice that the Leafy Content Cop was taken down along with that Video Vigilante on H3H3? WTF is up with that?


@mannycalavera I have no clue what's up with that. I haven't seen any complains so it's probably old and unrelated.

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@matrix @mannycalavera well youtube probably removed it for him because of the bullying rule
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