
I resolved this by never driving and only taking cabs.
@matrix Unlike the trolly thing, which will never happen, this is a real problem for the modern world.

@matrix@gameliberty.club But here's the catch: Elon does not pay a fine because he will get away with it.

@matrix Did you know that they have Harry Potter on *phones* now?

I never watched the series or read the books, but it seems like a perfect moment to start.

You would be liable, either way. It's the responsibility of the human driver to act appropriately. Autopilot is not an excuse to take your hands off the steering wheel or do something other than look at where the car is going.
The only question I have is are the pedestrians white? If they are I take control, if not Tesla can foot the bill.
Think of all the good training data that this will generate.
A few strangers lives are a small price that you should be willing to pay to our new AI overlords.
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