Why is Xi Jinping there? It’s be more accurate if it was a Jew tbh
Why? Because I’m calling out that “MUH CHINK COMMIES!”:

1. Have their own history of fantasy works and probably respect LOTR more than any Jew or nigger

2. Do not respect or want to see niggers or faggots on screen (see the recent video of them calling the black athletes niggers)

If you’re gonna do a blatantly wrong observation on reality don’t double down on it, it doesn’t do anything but burn your credibility

Because chinks profit much more from friction in the west than "muh joos" do

@matrix @RoyalJohnny242

Muh chinks.

How did those chinks profit much more from the friction going on in the West again?

@andreas @RoyalJohnny242 Western universities and companies are driving themselves into the ground with D.I.E. while China mostlikely has a more advanced military, is actively working towards technological independence while also buying a ton of allies with infrastructure builds and loans.

And why are western unis and companies pushing anti-White pro Jew garbage?

@RoyalJohnny242 @andreas Because they are commies who will come for the jews too

>unaware of the kosher sandwich and how historically Jews have always hedged their bets

@RoyalJohnny242 @matrix @andreas Jews.

Honestly I don't even feel bad with the chinks taking over, they have always been the center of the world with some exceptions.
Those hivemind locust are way more deserving than the decadent west imo.
I rather have the ateist chinks being the great hegemon over the Great Satan.
@matrix @RoyalJohnny242 Blame China for us destroying your academic traditions goy.
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