
"Demographics of apparent underage sellers of explicit content are notably different on the Fediverse: sellers tend to primarily be teenage boys or transgender girls, while on other platforms sellers are almost entirely cisgender girls"

:omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul:

· · Web · 3 · 3 · 10
@matrix They are also targeting politics. Of course it would be used that way. They also discuss re-writing content.

> The Fediverse community could also decide to implement its own hash databases to control illegal or undesirable content (for example, Nazi content illegal in Germany),

@coldacid @punished_vas @stoa
@Bobetap @stoa @matrix @punished_vas this here is the crux of the entire situation. I wouldn't be surprised if this "study" was entirely funded by :glowing: agencies
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