>Go to hairdressers
>Wait in line to get a seat
>Get seated
>Hairdresser then has to ask you for permission to touch her hair
I am sick of Clown World.
@Awoo @matrix I think they might be cargo culting the mythical nigger hair thing.
@Awoo @matrix >maam may i have permission to touch your hair?
>alright there will be $50 thank you for coming today
Is this some kind of long term propaganda to promote eugenics? I don't get their end game of dumbing everything down to the lowest dregs they can find.
@Sui @matrix
> Wait in line to steal a seat
> Steal seat
> Hairdresser asks why I am stealing seat
> Call her a racist
@matrix the first two look like early Lazy Town character concepts that were scrapped after the art direction was finalized
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