
6 million in 4 days? Seems a little bit high for an Indie game :kappa:

@matrix Are people this starved for decent game content?
@PurpCat @matrix @sim It's funny because every single market research venture I've seen shows data contrary to what actually fucking sells.
@PurpCat @matrix @sim THe OG Duke Xbox controller was so big because of focus groups too.
@justnormalkorean @PurpCat @matrix @sim I keep feeling like I'm the only person in the world for whom the Duke felt comfortable in my hands
@justnormalkorean @PurpCat @matrix Makes me wonder who they are asking because they don't seem to be asking the actual audience of these products.
@PurpCat @matrix @sim
Please tell me this game is actually any good and you all aren't posting about it only because some artists got butthurt about characters generated by a neural network.
If it weren't on Fedi and I didn't know you guys, sure as hell I'd think it's being astroturfed.
I get flashbacks to the time when Harry Potter game came out — also myriad of related posts, but nothing about the game itself, unlike e.g. the Cat Game™ — which was also insanely popular on Fedi (and probably everywhere else), but posts about which had screenshots, videos, discussions about the game itself, etc. :marseythinkorino:
This… is McDonald's family ad over again: "Oh, look, someone got triggered by family not being black, ha-ha!". This time it's about the game being good, is it? Is it? :cat_peek:
@m0xEE @matrix @sim >generated by a neural network
I had no idea computer cargo cult worship has gotten to this point
@PurpCat @matrix @sim
Well, at least I've seen some post about it, accompanied by screenshots (probbly from Twatter) of artists accusing devs of stealing — you know, the usual :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat:
Considering that artists who worked on the game worked at some diner before that — I won't be surprised they did indeed use a NN to generate some of the game's content :marseylaugh:
@m0xEE @PurpCat @matrix I'm sure there is footage out there already to see how good it is from streamers. I don't have the game so I can't tell you how bad or good it is, but it reminds me of pokemon so it will probably catch quite an audience based on that. I didn't know there was a lot of drama behind it. Just seen people mention it. I guess the memes are coming out now too.
@PurpCat @matrix Damn. I didn't realise just how starved people were... but then again, any western media has been suffering as of late.
50 developers divided by 6 million copies sold hold the fuck on this doesn't make any sense
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