@matrix @OF29 He is undeniably an actual pedophile, though. No one is that adamant about needing to legalize real CP and there being no ethical argument against real CP without being a pedophile.

@galena @OF29 I don't think so. The clips of him regarding cp and age of context are out of context and he sounds like an idiot in them because he's attempting to explain why cp is bad purely within his retarded framework and completely without appealing to a conservative moral foundation like sanctity.

@matrix @OF29 To me, it sounds more like he's explaining why CP would be legal in his fantasy utopia.

@galena @OF29 It didn't sound like that to me or maybe I haven't seen all of the clips.
It's not like I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities that he's a pedo. People like him tend to be sex pests. I just don't think that the proof is there

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