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I can progress with Kanae because it's weekend and husband is home :emoji_cope:

I have to do a second run :feelsbadman:
I don't have enough time to finish Kanae and there's still a ton of 3 and 4 some scenes

When you finish all the routes you can have 4 somes and 3 somes :pogchamp:

@matrix guess I need to get this game. When I come back from my mom's.

@Suzu Yes, this game is a direct sequel to it and its DLC.

@matrix kek, I came to check on my laptop and it turns out that Summer Memories is a game I wishlisted a long time ago and bought it wtih the dlc earlier this year when it went on sale.
Unfortunately it was victmin of my "buy shit on sale and never play it" syndrome.
@Suzu @matrix I picked up a different game from the same publisher earlier.

Got a bad end because my little sister got pregnant.
@skylar @Suzu @matrix She wasn't supposed to get pregnant. It resulted in a game over.
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