@matrix I will never forget my friend's kid wanted to know how to print and I said "figure it out" and they said "how" and I said "check the pulldown menus" and he said "how"
@sun @matrix Kids these days have unfortunately never heard of Reading The Field Manual, but I blame schools for this, too. It would be nice to have at least a simple school lesson on just using an old computer to know about a time when the Internet didn't need 8GB of RAM.
@berkberkman @matrix @sun >normies trying to touch the screen thinking something will happen

@sun @matrix this is wild to me because I just naturally touched anything i could when i was given a computer when i was 6

@sun @matrix I think millenials are the only ones who know how to use computers in general now. My dad taught me DOS. He would take me to computer shows in the 90's to buy parts and upgrade his 486 machine. If I asked him to buy a memory upgrade to the NUC I just bought him, I don't think he'll be able to do it. One of my uncles also suffered the same fate.

So the generation before us forgot everything about computers, and the generation after us can't learn anything about computers

Both generations have no clue about how computers work but the difference is that old people genuinely struggle to grasp the concepts and learn, old people has this problem learning anything they're unfamiliar with, whereas the younger generations are just abysmally retarded by unrestricted contact with proprietary degeneracy and social media brainrot, their brains struggle to focus on anything that isn't extremely stimulant, and on top of that they're lazy-minded with technology because "on my iPhone stuff always works, I don't need to learn anything".

The proprietary corporate degenerates raised a generation of brainless hedonist addicted to dogshit dopamine sources and too retarded to focus and learn anything remotely complex.
@matrix @sun It's not just the youth, either. I've had to help Gen Xers who have been PC gaming for 30 years now to install Firefox. I struggle to imagine what they were doing in all those thousands of hours back in the day...
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