
Leftists are coping that the guy they were celebrating isn't their guy

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@matrix jesus christ you have to be stupid to consider the guy "indecipherable"

@sun well that's Hasan, he's not exactly a powerhouse

@matrix @sun Hasan is a media empire who single handedly got Twitch cancelled.
@matrix rich twitch streamers against the wall too, whats the case against it
@matrix @sun idk who hasan is but I think its funny cause politicians blamed the leftoids and it turns out its just a weird centrist
@matrix the virgin having views fitting perfectly with a political "side" vs the chad free thinker
@matrix > indecipherable politics

The guy's just somewhere in the middle lol. Or is his thinking that binary?
@VD15 @matrix I think hasan just doesn't understand that in a country of 300 million people you are going to find a wide variety of beliefs and that's uh...just normal that not everyone is easily lumped into two propaganda bags
@sun @matrix @VD15 if the news can't put a label on it its "undiscepherable" and "schizophrenic"
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