@j @matrix gacha Game with pretty boys tracks the users period cycle

They really outgooned us bro :kek_pain:
@Dowito @matrix @j only thing i complain about is that they can get that freaky shit but we can't even get some panty shots :anubis_sigh:

@rlier23 @matrix @j
Japan should stop listening to consultant complain because they are freaks and that well woman romance novel are usually pretty fucked up so I would say this isn’t even surprising .

@Dowito @matrix @j yeah every other non jp eastern company has done it right(cept for mihoyo) specially korea for some reason

@rlier23 @matrix @j
Well anime is super popular so is bound to attract SJW parasite .

@Dowito @matrix @j yeah sure but that doesn't mean i'll forgive devs for cucking to the parasites.

they are capable of thinking and if they decide to prioritize some clout chasers and band wagoners over loyal fans then they can go get bent

@rlier23 @matrix @j
Agree, I didn’t want to justify them in any sense, they ruined Fucking Seran Kagura and I loved the series when I was a horny retarded college freshman.
I spent to much hours of my life on that games.

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