@picandor @rasterman @shitgrifter "Stop playing video games and watching porn!"

Give me a better option then, tradfags.
@rasterman @picandor @shitgrifter Or the Wingnat feminist variant: "A fat, ungrateful wife can still produce White children, so get to it! Be our human sacrifice."
@ChristiJunior @picandor @shitgrifter I have never heard that one. Maybe in the context of not race-mixing; but I never seen mention of the fat or ungrateful part. I don't imagine that would be a good angle to go at it. ...I mean, it's women we're talking about here, if they are attractive in mind and body, it's like getting a rare drop in [insert video game with drops].

@rasterman Women: I want a guy who's 6 feet, makes 6 figures and has an 8 inch dick.
Woman 2: yeah girl! Don't settle.
Men: I just want a woman.
Other man: I dunno bro, that's asking a lot. @ChristiJunior @shitgrifter

@picandor @rasterman @shitgrifter "Don't be fat, and don't be a bitch" is literally all most men ask, and that's considered hate speech warranting Cancellation.
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