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Hi, I'm Blake, I'm just some dude online who likes games, food, and other stuff.

My brother: I want to learn Russian to better understand Russian literature.
Me: you're a chaotic leftist nature lover with depression, anxiety, and androphilic bisexuality. Approximately how much more understanding do you need?
My brother's boyfriend: please do not pan fry my boyfriend this way
Me: he's my little brother, I'll do as I please.

This is the energy I demand from pageants from now on and I will not elaborate.

Not even the most raging antisemite could've come up with this name.

Holy shit

I remember when I thought people said "bless you" for coughing and other stuff, not just sneezing, and when my mom said that it's only for sneezing I just looked at her like "well *that* doesn't make any sense".

She still talks about that sometimes because she was trying to tell me that I was wrong and walked away with a small crisis.

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The autistic urge to ignore social conventions that make no sense and serve no functional purpose at all.

I'm torn between "that's fucked up" and "Holy shit that's hilarious."

Kamala campaign: *releases this photo of JD Vance*
Male millenials: HOLY SHIT THAT'S ME

I need the zoomers to understand that dudes like this were everywhere, they were socially awkward autists but they were generally fucking awesome guys.

Everyone from NJ tells me it's like this and I'm in absolutely no hurry to confirm this

Whoever does the Kitchen Nightmares YouTube channel needs to be paid more, so much more.

You don't hate loocalizers enough.

You think you do but you don't.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.