My brother: I want to learn Russian to better understand Russian literature.
Me: you're a chaotic leftist nature lover with depression, anxiety, and androphilic bisexuality. Approximately how much more understanding do you need?
My brother's boyfriend: please do not pan fry my boyfriend this way
Me: he's my little brother, I'll do as I please.
I remember when I thought people said "bless you" for coughing and other stuff, not just sneezing, and when my mom said that it's only for sneezing I just looked at her like "well *that* doesn't make any sense".
She still talks about that sometimes because she was trying to tell me that I was wrong and walked away with a small crisis.
Frequently Drunk Homosexual Male. Fanfiction slut. Manly gay couple enjoyer. Super bigoted guy. Certified big guy™. Male supremacist. Kinda funny some days.