
I'm torn between "that's fucked up" and "Holy shit that's hilarious."

@TrevorGoodchild @picandor I can never see her without picturing her face covered in spunk.

@TrevorGoodchild @picandor I'm thinking it's a mistake just because other wicked dolls products had the right website on them, this was probably a draft that got published by mistake by someone that didn't know the domain was wrong or just missed it. It took a month before anybody in the public found it.

What's that axiom? Never assume malice when incompetence can explain it? Something like that.

I'm leaning towards "that's fucked up" because part of me thinks it wasn't a mistake.
@picandor if kids are getting wicked dolls they are getting groomed anyway
@picandor What are the chances they'll cosplay that doll in a bid to capitalize on the mistake?

@picandor to wicked's credit, they changed their website so that you need a paid membership to see anything so that's cool.

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