Dear #Microsoft, #Netflix, #Google, #Apple, #Sony and alike, I don't have a problem with paying for my products and services.

What I have a problem with is paying for it, getting shoved a ton of ads into my face, being tracked, sold to anyone interested and then having to fight for something that was mine to begin with.

I don't know how you can believe this is in any way okay, but let me tell you that there is a tipping point which you probably do not want to find out.



They don't care. Your only option if you don't like how they're treating you is to ditch them. They'll never change and continuing to pay them sends them a message that you are fine with it.

@publiclewdness I don't use any of them anyone, exactly for this reason.

I do still try to fight the good fight and try to make others aware of it.

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