How should people respond to the ?

How should the government react to the ?

LOLOL Shutting down the economy is exactly what should be done (temporarily) to halt spread of the infection and flatten out the curve of ICU cases. If Trump orders people to go back to work against the advice of medical professionals... IGNORE HIM. Do not go back to work. Yes, crash the economy so that we can reform and restructure it. DEATH TO NEOLIBERAL CAPITALISM FINALLY.


@realcaseyrollins @shampoobottle

@SheChanges @shampoobottle Capitalism is the reason we're a better nation than others, and have been able to handle the far better than them (so far). The second most important thing here is actually to make sure that capitalism lives on, and it seems likely to do so, so that's good news.

Goddammit to hell you're so wrong. Do you ever read or watch anything I send you in response? Are you fucking open-minded enough to learn any fucking thing?

How much history did you take in school? It seem to me that neoliberals love their ignorance and refuse to open their brains to anything that contradicts their indoctrination.

@realcaseyrollins @shampoobottle

@SheChanges @shampoobottle I've taken enough enough history to know that Capitalism + Limited Unemployment Support makes for the best system.

I agree with what Wolff is saying, that giving away money to businesses isn't really a good solution, and endless cycles of debt are stupid. Where he goes wrong is by saying just because the government is being fiscally irresponsible, we must get rid of Capitalism. 4:03 is where he goes off the rails.

He claims that the "profit system fails". This is untrue; the real issue lies in the FDA putting roadblocks in the way of drug companies, forcing us to go longer without vaccines and life-saving medicine.

Capitalism only works when companies can compete, and the only time when Capitalism begins to really go south is when you have either monopolies, or all of the big players colluding together.

Now, where does this fit into pharma? Well, we already know of one treatment that's been showing a lot of promise, that's Hydroxychloroquine. Some people are starting to get it, that's a fact, but big government is preventing a lot of the people who need it from being able to get it and benefit from it.

This is why when Wolff says 4:41, he's completely wrong. "There has to be a Department of Public Health." Are you kidding me? More government is not the solution to problem caused by the government.

It only gets worse from here. At 5:09 he claims that being organized is the only way to judge a financial system. IDK who else genuinely believes this. You can have well-organized starving hordes, as is the case is Cuba and Venezuela. Yay. Good for them.

Now, perhaps this is parody. Perhaps Wolff is playing a character. He does, after all say that China and South Korea are doing "a very good job", in comparison to the United States. (While we know that South Korea is indeed doing a good job on this, only the exact opposite can be said for China.)

The Government is the mediator between the Public and the Private. And, it's been taken over by private interests who have demonized public services all of your life, so that's why you think that way. Well I grew up during the 1960's and 70's and it wasn't like this. You've been conned and hookwinked to believe that Capitalism is superior to any other system. It isn't.

First we had Master / Slave which was replaced by Lord / Serf. After the French Revolution, Capitalism promised to bring Liberty, Fraternity and Egalitarity. But, it didn't. All Capitalism did was establish Employer / Employee and it's still a ripoff. Capitalism has fought every step of the way any gains in benefits or wages to employees... every step of the way. People's lives got better despite Capitalism not because of it.

I'm happy you listened to Prof. Wolff, but all your other points are all neoliberal rich man excuses for their thievery. Do you make over 6 figures annually? If not, you're on the wrong team my friend.

@realcaseyrollins @shampoobottle

@SheChanges @shampoobottle

LOL. Name one country freer than the United States of America.

"The Government is the mediator between the Public and the Private. And, it's been taken over by private interests who have demonized public services all of your life" My point exactly. A group powerful enough to be co-opted and weaponized against the masses should be stripped of its power, not given more.

@SheChanges That's a bit ridiculous. In Switzerland you can literally go to jail for hate speech. @realcaseyrollins

@shampoobottle @SheChanges Yeah. I would've loved to hear her reasons as to why she thinks they're more free than America, but I don't think she's interesting in defending her claims tbh

Freedom isn't guaranteed by countries in this world.... just by money. It's an elite paradigm of domination (oppressors on top and oppressed on the bottom). There is no equal right and left. That's the illusion.

@realcaseyrollins @shampoobottle

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