Riotinfo/Riotnews list; CWing because the post is long and will probably look heckin' ugly in all y'all's timelines 

Okie dokie, here's everyone I'm adding to my list, feel free to follow them if their content appeals to you.

* WARNING * Just because some of the content is commentary, that does NOT mean I agree with it all! It just means it is quality content that I find informative, enlightening, or interesting.

Without further ado, here is the list

@er1n (Occasional eporting on states of emergency and general state of things in , )

@politicsbot (Posting articles covering the riots and 's reactions to them)

@crunklord420 (Posting videos from the riots; by far the best source of riot footage on the )

@Secftblgirl (Commentary on the riots, posting links to articles)

@coldacid (Commentary on the riots)

@l0wk3y (Occasional commentary on the riots and posting footage)

@kino (Commentary on the riots)

@11112011 (Commentary on the riots)

@djsumdog (Commentary on the riots, posted pictures firsthand in )

@commandlinekid (Commentary on the riots)

@InvaderXan (Commentary on the riots, posting helpful safety info for protestors)

@Dan_Ramos (Commentary on the riots, posting links to articles)

@Lyudmila (Another amazing source of riot footage, focused mainly on the movement, grafiti, and more heavily militarized police forces. Spanish-language.)

@augustus (Occasional commentary on the riots)

@dude (Commentary on the riots, occaisionally posting 's reactions)

@mwklein (Occaisional commentary on the riots)

Riotinfo/Riotnews list; CWing because the post is long and will probably look heckin' ugly in all y'all's timelines 

Adding these to my list:

@freemo (Occasional commentary on the riots)

Riotinfo/Riotnews list; CWing because the post is long and will probably look heckin' ugly in all y'all's timelines 

Adding to my list:

@FOX10Phoenix (Coverage and images of the riots)


Riotinfo/Riotnews list; CWing because the post is long and will probably look heckin' ugly in all y'all's timelines 

Adding to my list: (Footage of riots & protests)

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