@blight @realcaseyrollins Please don't burn us down. Most of you guys work for us anyway. You would not want to burn down your job? Would you?

What percentage of jobs are considered useless, again?

Work at an place that's devoid of ethics, to afford stuff you don't need (again from #unethical #corporations), to impress people you don't even like.

But at least the #stickMarket is shooting up.

#shopEthical #BLES #biodynamic #local #ethical = #sustainable #rethink #coop #deleteBillionaires
@realcaseyrollins @blight

People work at Amazon because it has a low bar of entry, lax dress code, it pays 15 dollars an hour with $20+ hour overtime, and offer health care to all workers including temp staff. It is a shitty company and I would not recommend working there, but I understand why people do. If you live in a low income area and your options are to work for 7.25 dollars an hour at a fast joint, $10 an hour at a grocery chain, $8 at a retail store or $15 at amazon, the desperate will choose Amazon. They have to pay $800 to $1000 for rent, take care of their kids, and pay other bills.

@realcaseyrollins @blight

We understand that position however when reading that a host of other questions pop up.

One of which is why healthcare must be tied to an employer. No other country to our knowledge does that for example.

So many questions.

It looks like people are finally asking them with some force.
@realcaseyrollins @blight

@dsfgs Healthcare does not have to be tied to an employer. There are federal and state run healthcare programs for low income citizens.

Obama changed the U.S healthcare system making it mandatory for a job to provide healthcare to an employee that works over 39 hours a week. Corporations found a work around by limiting work hours and hiring subcontractors, so they do not have to pay healthcare to workers. Subcontractor pay for their own insurance. Amazon is an exception because they pay for their workers' healthcare even if they work below 40 hours a week.

Burning down one of the few passable options a person has before offering a decent alternative is not a good idea. Multicorps propped by government funds will build somewhere outside of the city and find workers who will accept their conditions, but what about the communities they left?

@realcaseyrollins @blight

#Amazon is too big. We haven't been keeping mega-#corporations in check. With their growing #monopoly power they also take jobs from smaller businesses, aggregate our data, go to bed with the #securityState etc. Just like #Google and #Microsoft.

When one door closes another opens.

Too much #politicalPower has been focused in too few hands.

#JeffBezos helped produce a generation of #indoctrinated, #addicted #consumers. He won't be missed.

@realcaseyrollins @blight

@realcaseyrollins Best news I’ve heard all week. FUCK AMAZON AND JEFF BEZOS YOU RICH FUCKER!

@a7 @realcaseyrollins @crunklord420 No fire alarms, no sprinklers. Someone knew what they were fucking doing.

@djsumdog @realcaseyrollins @crunklord420 ya but it matches arson from a month before, not a blm or riot thing from their current wild guesses

@djsumdog @a7 @realcaseyrollins @crunklord420 It was a hit job by Target—retribution against Bezos over having his WaPo lackeys loot their store.
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