@realcaseyrollins As in "blog post" or actually create a blog?
If the former, Idc, if the later, definitely yes. And don't forget to enable RSS on it.


@compass_straight_edge Yep, a blog post.

I actually have an RSS feed for my blog here: wordsmith.social/countercultur

You can also follow @counterculture to stay updated on new blog posts

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Interesting blog. I was reading the "Project Bluesky: Good or bad for twitter" and I have similar concerns.

Have you ever heard of the term Embrace, Extend, Extinguish? It is pretty much what it looks like. The term was of internal use of Microsoft and came public during the Internet Explorer monopoly lawsuit.


Side note: Many people think that Microsoft's current friendliness towards Open Source is an attempt at EEE.

Funnily enough, I hadn't heard of the phrase before, but it certainly sounds like it applies!

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