
While I'm on the subject, there's no singular form of self care more effective than reconnecting with God and building yourself up spiritually. I am thoroughly convinced that God can solve literally any problem better than man-made methods.

We find that is depends on the #motivation. If one lacks any real sense of #community and #togetherness then yes they are depriving themselves of that special connection to their #spiritual self.

Some can get that #worshipping at a local church, others might get it #educating, others #exercising with friends, #working a fulfilling and good job, even delivering (#)FediFlyers direct into peoples' hands on their commutes. :)

Connecting with others is important.



> connecting with others is important

Absolutely! God himself said "it is not good for man to be alone." While I think connecting and communion with God is more important than fellowship with man, both are absolutely vital to spiritual, mental and thus physical wellbeing.

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