odd way to say "do not buy our shit game" but okay! 🤗

you can, however, do this but I am sure they'll patch it out
I also chose "none" pronouns and they use pronouns to refer to me! rude 💀

I don't get it: I switched my pronouns from 'none' to 'all' and there's literally no difference
and on one hand, having customization options is nice and the ability to change your character's name on the fly is great, but why did it have to be tied to literal rainbow capitalism


because the original game is SO good, this game, being its carbon copy and just doing things worse, also can get very enjoyable, but I think it's very telling that I can't go longer than 2-4 days in a game session here, while Stardew Valley is still a prime example of "just one more day and then I'll go to sleep"

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