
I haven't been posting due to playing BnS lmao

This also means I haven't worked on my art either. Oops... I wish I didn't miss Bunny Day this year AGAIN and was able to draw something for it, but I do have a screenshot of the new bunny outfit for Blade & Soul released last week for the Western servers. It comes with a special emote called Bunny Hop, too!
This outfit properly hides the ears and tails on the Lyn race. They did a good job with it!

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There's two outfits you get by buying the Bunny Suit, so they each come to around ~$25 each if you don't factor in the other in-game materials that come with them. I don't really care for the second outfit; it's kinda ugly on my character. You can't really buy them separately, as they're in a board completion game you can buy so it usually means you will get the other outfit before the Bunny Suit anyways.

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