@ehhh the do suspend you if you post shota though which is fucking stupid.

@wolfbro I posted my shota art there and found shota stuff. I dunno, they're probably not consistent with pornography. 🤔

@ehhh they're never consistent with anything
Someone telling me to stick a grenade up my ass is okay but me calling Ben Shapiro a rotten wank was too far I guess.

@wolfbro @ehhh i remember getting a 7 day ban because i was tired of all the jokes about putin and trump being gay and i just posted like "PUTIN AND TRUMP ARE FAGGOTS FOR EACH OTHER!!!! FAGGOTS!!!!" which is longer than any of the bans i received for directly telling someone to commit suicide

@rats being someome who is extremely homosexual.... yeah. @ehhh

@wolfbro @ehhh oh yeah me too

it's always from weird bluecheck liberals too

@rats @ehhh basically the internet is very confused about how to handle me
I'm a shotacon but extremely racist and love starting shit as a hobby when I'm bored. However, despite what some may say, I don't find actual children attractive at all. He's just cute

@wolfbro @ehhh we are weirdly similar i guess! except i am not racist but increasingly aggro about freedom of speech. but shotacon: yeah

id rather be surrounded by ppl with diff viewpoints that i can actually have conversations with than similar people in a sterile hell

@rats @wolfbro @wolfbro My follower base is very diverse. I have both anti and kodocons that follow me. Not anti as in that kind of loser that seethes about fiction all day, just ppl not into that stuff.

@ehhh @rats it's funny because antis seem to be really hostile towards actual children

@wolfbro @ehhh antis are some of the most genuinely misanthropic people I've ever seen

@rats @ehhh I've seen them report Loli/shota art using channels to report CSEM. For obvious reasons do not.

@wolfbro @ehhh I got wrapped up in the Karl andersson cancellation because I wrote about his paper several months beforehand and seeing people refer to shota as CSEM broke my mind
@rats @wolfbro @wolfbro Chris Hansen had to tell people to stop sending him lolicon stuff because that's not what he deals with 😂

@ehhh @rats that's hilarious and awful at the same time.

Lolicons: so who is best girl Chris????

@wolfbro @ehhh after dealing with the first person to report my to my host because they saw a shirtless shota on this instance, I made this right quick
@rats @wolfbro @wolfbro Europe's mostly a shithole but there are some places there that don't criminalize fiction too.
@rats @wolfbro @wolfbro They allegedly save and send csam to kodocons too.
@wolfbro @rats Antis on twitter 🤷‍♂️ I've never seen or experienced it but that's some of the horror stories that I've heard. They will go through the most hypocritical actions to terrorize us.

I've experienced something similar on fedi though: giobu.cyou/@ehhh/109054728228393207
@sex @wolfbro @wolfbro @rats I feel like their end goal is to just keep all the cp to themselves!
@wolfbro @ehhh @wolfbro @rats plenty cp to share on tor and i2p! this is fact checked!! they should install a new browser!!
@ehhh @wolfbro officer this isnt child pornography its child recordkeeping

@rats @ehhh the fbi has a fucking app for your kids' info.

No really

@wolfbro @ehhh ive never seen people so desperate to get their hands on child pornography as whoever these people are this is crazy to see

dont most people like, not want to be near that stuff

@rats @ehhh I've seen suggestive stuff (not nudes) of 16 year old guys and that alone feels creepy.

@wolfbro @ehhh i've seen michael salerno's zines (the guy that runs www.kiddiepunk.com) and something about that whole "teenage satanists from oklahoma" series makes my skin crawl and if i didn't know it was all professionally published i'd assume i was about to go to jail for looking at it
@rats @wolfbro @wolfbro what being extremely online and mental does to a nigga
@wolfbro @rats Wow, I've experienced the same thing... I've actually had those types of people justify child abuse to me, but... somehow I'm not allowed to like cartoons? The internet is a weird place lol.
@brimshae @wolfbro @rats @wolfbro It means both lolicon/shotacon, but that's too long, so I just use "kodocon", based on the Japanese word for "children," kodomo.
@rats @wolfbro @ehhh the issue is that people on fedi with different viewpoints
trust me
You're not going to have a rational discussion with

@prouddegenerate It doesn't help that I'm kinda feeding into everything they dislike. I'm a gay dude who finds shotas cute and also likes anime dads.
Touya: am I winning dad?
Enji: yes son, you're winning
@ehhh @rats

@wolfbro @prouddegenerate@lolison.top Unfortunately that's just how the internet is gonna be... But trust me, there's a lot more people who'd rather just avoid it than go on endless virtue signaling brigades.
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