I'm planning on creating an article for my website where I'm going to piss a bunch of weebs off by saying how worship of Japan and Japanese culture is fucking retarded. Because Japan is not that based.

I finally published my article on Japan worship and how retarded it is. I might update it, but it's all there for you to see.


CC: @ryo, @ArdainianRight, @cee

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @cee Also, I'm planning on getting a 3D printer when I'm back home again, checking out Amazon Japan they're still fully available, although they're getting more expensive (they used to be around 30,000 yen on average, now you have to be lucky to even find a decent one for 30,000 yen).

Question by the way, what is the average size of a decent shotgun?

@ryo @ArdainianRight @cee I don't know of the top of my head. They usually measure the caliber and not the length of the gun itself. I think the average length of a sawed-off is around 18 inches (the US legal limit last time I checked). A standard shotgun is probably 24 inches, maybe.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @cee 18 inch is 45.72 in (human readable) centimeters.
Damn, all the 3D printers on Amazon Japan are too small then...
The largest one being 330×330×400mm, though ironically still cheaper than the smaller ones.

@ryo @ArdainianRight @cee They're handguns (which are illegal in your country). But they aren't shotguns.

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@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @cee What's the difference?
Also, you know I don't give a fuck about what's legal and illegal, to me all the government made-up "laws" are illegal anyway.

@ryo @ArdainianRight @cee Shotguns shoot a straight walled cartridge that discharges into sub projectiles. Pistols just shoot lead bullets.

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