@xianc78 @ArdainianRight My views on ancoms have turned more positive after reading sites by DigDeeper, Qorg/Kill-9, Spyware Watchdog, and ShadowWiki.
But then I found the ancoms from Web0, trannies, and other anti-free speech commies pretending to be "anarchists", and I started viewing them negatively again.
And then this debate makes me consider to combine the best of 2 an-worlds again, because both guys in this video were quite reasonable.

@ryo @ArdainianRight You should look into people like Karl Hess, Samuel Konkin III, and John Zube if you want to see people who try to combine the best of 2 worlds. Even the founder of anarcho-capitalism, Murry Rothbard tried to united the LibLeft and LibRight but later sided with the paleos.

@xianc78 @ryo i still find the Charles Lane thing and the fruitlands experiment quite funny.
I would argue that this was one of the first attempts of LibUnity, despite how bizarre it was.
It would be interesting if there's audiobooks of Charles Lane's works and to see what ur critical analysis are of him xianc
@cee @xianc78 I just finished writing out a blog post about it.
I never looked into their ways of unification, but basically I think we can unify the 2 together by 2 big factors, so I'll have it published in a minute or so.

@cee @ryo He tried to abolish personal property which makes him more left leaning than an ancom. He was an anarcho-comunalist.

@xianc78 @ryo you would need to read more into his work i imagine; his earlier works appear very Panarchistic... then in 1844, something happened, probably hit his head too hard, did too much drugs or idk what hahahahah

'Cause what Alcott and Brownson tried to do, was synthesis Classical Socialism with Transcendentalism, but Alcott and Charles Lane seemed to have to take a completely different turn and went to communalism instead :blobderphappy:

Even Emerson and Thoreau were like "yo my dudes, wtf, your idealism is whack!"

and the Dark Romanticists were like "I hate this; this is so cursed smh."

I critique Alcott's technological regressivism too tbh.
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