Hilariously, despite the :revolvertan: test domain not even having a DNS record until very recently, several instances already block it. One guy wrote "free speech / nazis".

There was literally zero software running on it because the domain didn't resolve to anything. That guy blocked it for "free speech / nazis" based on...what, exactly? It was a .club domain that I registered as a joke (hi, :moon:). I posted about it a couple of times and then did nothing with it for like three years. Several people preemptively blocked it by...what, stalking my posts?

@p I mean when you're blocking half of fediverse your timeline is probably really boring as shit. So you have all the time in the world to find more shit to block.

@splitshockvirus I had a post about this but I can't find it. I also can't find the screenshot.

So I'm going to trot this out again:


Honestly if you're not at least make one person mad. You either are fake af or aren't posting anything all that important.

I got mastodong dot socialist users mad because I used hashtags. Fedi cool but A LOT of people on this network got paper skin.

@mint @splitshockvirus It looks like the screenshot was a reply to that guy. They do that, they start yelling at you out of nowhere, you provide a thoughtful response like the person posting as "mother" did, and then they post screenshots "proving" something that you'd readily acknowledge in public. "Ha, so you *admit* that you don't think phone clients should censor people!"

Or they'll say some dumb shit and then claim they were just trying to bait you:
There was an outrage around Husky on Kolektiva Social too. That's when my trust in Kolektiva, like, dropped to rock bottom.
@splitshockvirus @mint


They reported me for "Animal Cruelty" for grilling on July 4th.

Absolute clown instance

@mint @p

@splitshockvirus @cyberspook @mint @p Yesterday I got reported for "REEESISM!!" over liking the old internet...
Being anti-racist is when you support big corporations and surveillance capitalism, don't forget.
@p @splitshockvirus @mint
@cyberspook @p @splitshockvirus @mint Like how Christians see a Jesus in everything, left SJW's see a racism in everything, and right SJW's see a pedophilia in everything.

I wae referring to radlibs supporting the Big Tech a lot of the times. They have the same kind of favoritism to woke businesses as reactionaries have towards “patriotic” or “un-PC” businesses, not being reliable allies to anti-capitalist and anti-corporatocracy movements like socialism or libre software movement, like, at all. Frankly, they don’t really care, they only care about social justice, not getting us, WHITE CISHET MALES, free from corporate and government tyranny.

@cyberspook @p @splitshockvirus @mint Free software to me wasn't really a choice I made, it's what I've been using as a child when I used a PC for the first time.
The fact I was running GNU/Linux, KDE (and then Gnome), GIMP, and all that just wasn't what I really thought about at the time.

But now that I'm more aware, I can see that on one hand free software does get in the way of finding ways of making money with software, while on the other hand I really hate all software that try to make money off of me because of their user hostility, but also completely understand the need to make money somehow.

So it's actually quite a funny conflict for me as an AnCap who also prefers free software.

@ryo @p @splitshockvirus @mint @cyberspook Being an ancap doesn't mean that the profit motive has to be behind everything. Even then, there are still ethical ways of making money off of FOSS. You can sell hardware that has the software preinstalled or you can try the bountysource model.

@xianc78 @p @splitshockvirus @mint @cyberspook Or providing a service, which is something I would rather do.
Selling hardware is nice, but you'll need to purchase it first, and usually pay more than you'd sell because it would come with WinDOS before you install Linux on it to sell it.

@ryo @p @splitshockvirus @mint @cyberspook I was actually talking about making the hardware. Create a Linux distro and create laptops that run off them. It worked for System 76 and it seems to work for Linux Mint with their mintBox.

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